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Showing 22 to 28 of 74 Resources

CoffeeCon Proper Grinding Presentation

Does My Coffee Grinder Affect My Coffee’s Taste?
(Copyright, MPE, 2015)

Conveying Quality

Roast Magazine

Overview of Aeromechanical Conveyors and Tubular Drag Chain Conveyors

Daily Grind: Reduction Solutions Hit Uniformity and Energy Goals

As market demand for precision particles grows, two particle reduction technologies are proving they can yield higher process efficiencies, use less energy, and improve product characteristics. This report examines their benefits.

Daily Grind: Reduction Solutions Hit Uniformity and Energy Goals

As market demand for precision particles grows, two particle reduction technologies are proving they can yield higher process efficiencies, use less energy, and improve product characteristics. This report examines their benefits.

Enter the Vortex

Global Coffee Review

When coffee capsule technology was first introduced in the United States, few could have anticipated the impressive impact those little pods would eventually have on the coffee industry.

Dan Ephraim, President of Modern Process Equipment (MPE), remembers when one of his clients first patented the technology over 15 years ago. With coffee pods (also known as soft pods or pads) – the predecessor to the capsule – never quite taking off in the United States, he says the commercial potential seemed limited in a market not accustomed to single-serve.

Espresso: The Toughest Grind to Properly Achieve

Daniel Ephraim
Tea & Coffee Trade Journal

The grind can make or break an espresso brew, and yet espresso grinds are one of the most difficult to achieve consistently. Utilizing the correct grinder can help ensure a quality brew.

Executive Insight

You may not be familiar with Modern Process Equipment of Chicago, Ill., but the odds are, if you’re a dealer in the water treatment industry, you reap the benefits of their ingenuity on a daily basis; and if you’re drinking purified water of any kind, you’ve likely tasted their work…or, not tasted is more apropos.